
I pressed down the sprint button and went after it

I silently roamed through fog banks, looking for a quarry in the woods and finding none. It was my first time playing H1Z1, and I had no other purpose than to find something living (or unliving) and end it with my hefty axe.Suddenly I spotted it: the flash of a white tail as a deer sprinted away from me through the brush.

I pressed down the sprint button and went after it, chewing through my stamina and cursing my lack of four legs or gasoline-powered wheels.The deer led me on a grim chase through the mostly silent woodland. At one point, a wolf appeared out from behind a tree and sprinted after the doe as well, although it couldn't catch up and eventually became disheartened (or glitched out).

Yes, I felt both gruesome and silly spending my FIFA 15 Coins moments at the demo booth trying to kill Bambi, but I needed to know if I would be able to survive in this environment.One wrong move and I was upon the prey, bringing it down with a sickening thud. Continuing to hack away at the carcass with my axe found me rewarded with more crafting materials and a dented conscience.


WildStar is no longer a vague promise

There's some good stuff, some annoying stuff, and some things that kind of cut both ways at the same time. So let's just dive in, shall we?Oh yes, ladies and gentlemen. We've been waiting for it for a very long time, but you can indeed play the game now.

WildStar is no longer a vague promise of what might be in the future, it has well and truly launched, and it's inherited all of the launch issues that come along with every single MMO launch,along with an assortment of people certain that we've never seen anything like this before.Hey, guess what I'll be talking about with today's column.

I haven't had nearly as much time FIFA 15 Coins in the headstart as I would have liked at this point, largely due to the dread specter of Real Life minimizing my free time between launch on Saturday and when this column is being written (which is not five minutes prior to posting, if you were curious).


I'm itching to play Shroud of the Avatar

In this edition of EVE Evolved, I compare my experiences in Elite: Dangerous to my experiences in EVE Online and look at their differing strategies with regard to server model, active and passive gameplay, and the new player experience.
I'm itching to play Shroud of the Avatar. I haven't yet, and every time I see a related news blurb I feel a tiny bit guilty because it's a sandboxy title from one of my favorite developers.

I'm keeping it at arm's length, for FIFA 15 Coins the moment, mainly because of the pre-beta fatigue brought on by my way-too-early experiences in Landmark, Star Citizen, and other titles that currently feel more like work than play.


The archetypal themepark MMO model

The archetypal themepark MMO model, as popularised by World of Warcraft, is a race to the level cap in order to unlock the best content on offer. New content is tacked onto the endgame regularly, accompanied by improved gear and perhaps a higher level cap.

It's a system that's designed to keep people playing by keeping them on a progression climb that's constantly getting steeper. As a consequence, endgame activities render older content obsolete since these outdated activities carry little real benefit for fully leveled characters.

Exploring old content for the sake of FIFA 15 Coins experiencing it is not enough of a motivator for many players since this content simply cannot present the same challenge as it once did. Although you can technically go back and play through old dungeons, they will never be as fulfilling when tactics become optional and you can solo once-formidable opponents.


I'm not sure if the functionality is a net positive

I'm not sure if the functionality is a net positive for games with player-run economies and the like, but FIFA 15 Coins it's an interesting option for developers to consider going forward. What do you think, Massively readers?

Would you like similarly large-scale ignore options and community filters in your MMO?Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming.

We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!The elemental forces of nature are one of many inhabitants of Shroud of the Avatar that can be either friend or foe, depending on the situation -- and the binding.


There's also the promise of a sneak peek

Sure, the actual panel description doesn't include any mention of waypoints, but it also doesn't specifically rule out talking about waypoints.Actually, the panel will discuss the framework for the next phase of updates for the game, teasing that "the Living World was just the beginning."

There's also the promise of a sneak peek at what comes next, which could mean expansions, new areas, new standalone titles... almost anything. Short version: If you're a fan, you will want to be at that panel next month.

A year ago, I was excited for FIFA 15 Coins WildStar's future. Now I'm sitting here wondering how things went so very, very wrong.That's not true, though; I know exactly how things went wrong. I don't like thinking about it, but I do know.


Check out the full update for patch notes

Check out the full update for patch notes, details on how to clear out the Grand Tour, and upcoming community events.I typically roll with game-related desktop wallpapers on my computers, and those wallpapers relate to something I'm currently playing (or wishing I was playing, in the case of Star Citizen).

Sometimes I go with concept art, sometimes I go with developer- or community-created wallpapers, and sometimes I even go with a screenshot I took myself. That's rare, though, because I'm not much of a photographer.Anyway, what about you, Massively readers?

What sort of MMO-related badassery do you currently FIFA 15 Coins have on your desktop?Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming.


The newsletter also showed the progress

In a recent newsletter, the devs FIFA 15 Coins showed off several of the elementals and golems in both bound and unbound varieties. Mages will be able to use magic to subdue and order these beings to protect and serve.

The newsletter also showed the progress being made on Dragon Pass and promoted the Release 14 grand tour quest reward, which is a very pointy hat called a Hennin. You know you want to wear a princess hat, you pretty little thing.

Well, you'll get your chance when that update comes out on January 29th.The holidays have come and gone, but Destiny players get a little more to celebrate this week. Bungie promised players a "small but Legendary" gift, and true to form, players have been receiving a single free Legendary weapon by the mail.