
With a subject matter so moody

Van Helsing's fight against evil will Runescape Gold hit the PS2 and Xbox in less than a month's time.

With a subject matter so moody and a film license with a stylized presentation, the game version of Van Helsing has a lot to live up to in the visual department. Fortunately, it looks like Saffire has managed to re-create the sinister world of Transylvania quite convincingly, with atmospheric environments that feature a lot of nice touches and evil-looking enemies that are the spitting image of their movie counterparts. For that matter, so are the models for Van Helsing and Anna, which look strikingly like the actors who play them in the film. The two versions of the game are roughly on Cheap Maplestory2 Mesos par visually, with the Xbox version getting the nod for better performance and cleaner textures and lighting. The game sounds pretty spooky too, with lots of monstrous sound effects and ambient music, not to mention voice acting that sounds surprisingly like the characters in the movie.http://www.rsgoldmall.com

