However, maybe you've wanted to RS Gold settle down with a well-rounded shoto that can handle just about every situation. Certainly, Bonchan's recent toppling of MCZ|Daigo with Ryu has been a telling that the character might hold more potential than some initially thought. Fortunately, Bafael is back with another one of his in-depth tutorials to help catch you up to speed in case you happen to fight The Beast in a tournament.
How big of a Street Fighter fan are you? It's a question we often ask ourselves in the mirror between brushing our teeth and trimming off the beard we wish Ryu would have in Street Fighter 5.
Are you enough of a fan to put off actual work or chores for Street Fighter? Oh yeah. Big enough to claim you could take on Justin Wong if you had more time to practice? Easy. How about travel the world to visit the actual locations of Street Fighter stages?