The implications of that Runescape Gold difference between the two Bobbys is one isn't ignored entirely by the issue, written by Brian Michael Bendis and drawn by Mahmoud Asrar. Comic Book Resources reports:
An exchange in Wednesday's issue addresses both canon and potential objections from some readers, with young Bobby asking, "How can my older self not be [gay] but I am?" before continuing, "Because maybe he couldn't handle being a mutant and gay in a society that has issues with both? And one is easier to ‘put away' than the other?"
The original X-Men team was first published in an era before the Stonewall Riots, but comic book characters rarely age in real time. If Cyclops and Beast, et al. are in their, say, late thirties today, their teenage years would occur sometime around 1990, the beginning of the era of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. It's also the era in which Marvel lifted its editorial ban on openly gay characters, and made the mutant Northstar its first openly gay superhero.